If a
person’s snore, is a soft sound at
the beginning, but little by little
as the years pass, it changes and
becomes a nightmare for the spouse
and family; is considered, now a
days, to be a disease and of
dangerous consequences.
Did you know that during the night a
people who snore, suffer of a bad
oxygenation, don’t sleep right, in
moments they suffocate with out
realizing it, because of lack of
air; when they wake up in the
morning they are in a bad mood, with
a sore throat, they are sleepy, and
they can’t work properly.
The fundamental problem for all
people who snore happens when the
free flow of air finds an
obstruction as it passes by the back
part of the nose and the mouth,
because the space between the
palate, uvula, tonsils, tongue, has
disappeared, so the structures
vibrate and hit against each other,
reaching 50,000 impacts each night.
The edema which results each day
grows little by little, causing
complications that in some cases if
the person is drunk can cause death.
The main complication is nocturnal apnea
which is when the person stops
breathing or the breathing is
interrupted, because of the
obstruction. The episodes can last
10 seconds and happen more than 7
times each hour; these people can
experience 30 to 300 episodes during
the night. The concentration
of oxygen diminishes and the heart
has to pump stronger so the blood
can circulate faster, as time passes
it causes the increase of arterial
pressure and the enlargement of the
Snoring is caused because:
Weakness of the muscles of the mouth, throat and larynx.
Flabbiness of the tissues. (this causes the collapse)
Obstruction because the tongue collapses towards the
Hipertrophic tonsils
Excessive enlargement of the palate, uvula
Large tongue
Factors of susceptibility
Overweight (Although there are thin
persons who snore)
Short and broad neck
What to do when you snore:
You should go to the
otorhinolaryngologist as soon as
possible, to undergo a complete
examination, a video endoscopy of the
nose, pharynx, larynx, etc.
The most frequent surgeries to treat snoring, are:
Uvolopalatopharyngoplasty with high
frequency (modern method): This
consists in remodeling the soft tissues
of the palate and the uvula, moving them
away from the tongue, so they stop
hitting one against the other. A
tonsillectomy can be performed at the
same time (not in all cases), under
local anesthesia (almost always) or
general anesthesia.
Procedure (For less complicated cases),
which uses the energy of the radio
frequency to treat the soft tissues of
the palate and the uvula, causing a
natural retraction of these, decreasing
the size and strengthening the area
responsible of the snoring.
3. Functional Septum Rhinoplasty: to
correct the internal and external
deformities of the nose. The patient
who doesn’t breath naturally through the
nose, snores.
4. Nasal endoscopic Surgery: In cases
of rhinosinus or polyps
All the above mentioned surgeries (1 –
4) are out-patient procedures, not too
painful, and the recovery is very fast.
5.Maxillo Facial Surgery: in case of
There is
a solution for people who snore, don’t
waste your time, go to your doctor