Functional Rhinoseptoplasty
Observe how the Septal cartilage obstructs the left nasal cavity
This patient was operated by another surgeon, she was not happy with the results. I operated and these are the new results.
•Observe the lack of definition and how the tip of the nose drops.
•Good aesthetic result and good projection of the tip of the nose.
This is the first time I operate this patient (she was operated by another surgeon and she wasn’t happy with the aesthetic or functional results)
Observe the lack of definition and how the tip drops.
Good aesthetic results and projections of the nose with an implant
Cartilage implant to improve the projection of the tip f the nose
Surgery for Snoring Cas 1
•The palate’s soft tissue covers the pharynx and hits against the tongue while sleeping, this produces the snore.
•The palate in a new position, clearing the orophrynx
Surgery for Snoring Cas 2
Surgery for Snoring Cas 3
Elongated uvula which produces the snore.
Consultorio Norte: Medysis, Víctor Emilio Estrada 1311 y Costanera Teléfonos
Citas médicas: 0994351574
Guayaquil - Ecuador